Filippo Medeghini M. Sc.

✆: 0234 32 28121
✉:  filippo.medeghini[at]rub[dot]de
Büro: IC 5 - 163

  • Testing of hybrid segmental linings through the targeted local use of high-performance steel fibre reinforced concrete in the highly stressed and vulnerable areas of the segment, combined with conventional steel or steel fibre reinforced concrete in the less stressed core area to achieve greater load-bearing capacity, stiffness, damage tolerance and durability, as well as a potential economic and environmental benefit.



  • Obtaining one-dimensional fiber orientation via a tailor-made concrete material and casting method, and its exploitation through specific structural application to maximize the advantages. A concreting device that induces fiber orientation, and a material that can maintain such orientation and develop an elasto-plastic behavior, are designed. The casting is performed along the tension stress lines obtained from structural design theory to take advantage of the anisotropic material properties.


[11] Clauß, F.; Forman, P.; Heußner, L.; Rose, J.; Medeghini, F.; Mark, P.
Optimization Strategies for the Design of Sustainable Concrete Structures
In: 75 Years Faculty of Civil Engineering SS. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, G. Markovski (Ed.), self-published, 2024, pp. 109-120. (ISBN 978-608-4510-62-8)

[10] Medeghini, F.; Tiberti, G.; Guhathakurta, J.; Simon, S.; Plizzari, G.A.; Mark, P.;
Fiber orientation and orientation factors in steel fiber-reinforced concrete beams with hybrid fibers: A critical review
Structural Concrete, 2024.

[9] Medeghini, F.; Trabucchi, I.; Tiberti, G.; Plizzari, G.A.; Mark, P.;
Optimized Fiber Reinforced Concrete structural elements with oriented fibers to resist high concentrated loads
In: Supplementary Conference Proceedings Book of the BEFIB 2024: XI International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete, 2024, pp. 324-332.

[8] Medeghini, F.; Trabucchi, I.; Tiberti, G.; Plizzari, G.A.; Mark, P.
A new design approach for sustainable FRC structural elements: Aligning fibers to stress trajectories
In: Innovation and sustainability in concrete structures, Italian Concrete Conference (ICC2024), AICAP CTE, 2024, pp. 5-10. (ISBN 978-88-90364-70-9)

[7] Medeghini, F.; Mark, P.
Gesteuerte Faserorientierung für Stahlfaserbetonbauteile
Controlled fiber orientation in steel-fiber-reinforced precast elements

BFT International 90(5), 2024, S. 42.


[6] Medeghini, F.; Zaydowicz, K.; Landler, J.; Mark, P.;
Stahlfaserbeton: Bemessung nach DAfStb-Richtlinie und aktuelle Entwicklungen
In: Holschemacher (Hrsg.), Betonbauteile 2023, Bauwerk Beuth, Berlin, S. 75-94. (ISBN 978-3-410-31562-9)

[5] Petraroia, D.N.; Medeghini, F.; Plückelmann, S.; Mark, P; Breitenbücher, R.
Material reduced tunnel lining segments for moderately swelling soils.
Structural Concrete, 2023.


[4] Medeghini, F.; Guhathakurta, J.; Tiberti, G.; Simon, S.; Plizzari G. A.; Mark, P.;
Steered fiber orientation: correlating orientation and residual tensile strength parameters of SFRC
Materials and structures 55:251, 2022 (

[3] Petraroia, D.N.; Medeghini, F.; Mark, P.; Plizzari, G.A.
Optimized hybrid topology of segmental tunnel linings
Book of abstracts of the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), pp. 87-88, 22th – 24th June 2022, Bochum, Germany


[2] Mantelli, S. G.; Facconi, L.; Look, K.; Medeghini, F.; Mark, P.; Minelli, F.; Plizzari, G.
Code Provisions for Shear Strength in Prestressed FRC Members: A Critical Review
In: Serna P., Llano-Torre A., Martí-Vargas J.R., Navarro-Gregori J. (Eds.) Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Improvements and Innovations II. BEFIB 2021. RILEM Bookseries, Vol 36. Springer, Cham.

[1] Trabucchi, I.; Tiberti, G.; Conforti, A.; Medeghini, F.; Plizzari, G. A.
Experimental study on Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Reinforced Concrete elements under concentrated loads
In: Construction and Building Materials, Volume 307, 2021. (

1. Bajrami, E. (2024): Querkraftwiderstand von vorgespannten Stahlfaserbetonbauteilen auf der Grundlage einer experimentellen Datenbank, Bachelor-Thesis, Lehrstuhl für Massivbau der Fakultät Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.


Bachelor-Studium des Bauingenieurwesens an der Universität Brescia, Italien
Abschluss: Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

Master-Studium des Bau-und Umweltingenieurwesens an der Universität Brescia, Italien
Abschluss: Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Thema der Masterarbeit: SFRC-Fertigtunnelsegmente unter Berücksichtigung der TBM-Vortriebsphase
Gewinner des sechsten nationalen Wettbewerbs, der von der italienischen Tunnelbaugesellschaft organisiert wurde

Staatsexamen Ingenieurwesen an der Universität Brescia, Italien


Tragwerksplaner und Bauingenieur
Ingenieurbüro Garosio, Brescia, Italien

Planer, Stellvertretender Projektleiter
Cimolai S.p.A., Porcia, Italien

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Massivbau der Ruhr-Universität Bochum